Christ Centered Girls Magazine August/September 1 | Page 30

Help us build an orphanage in india!

We are so excited to announce that we are partnering with Crown of beauty magazine to build and orphanage in India for twelve little girls! If you want to be involved then keep reading because there is a lot YOU can do!

Did you know that there are 25 MILLION orphans in India?

Orphans who are not cared for, find themselves in a frightfully vulnerable position. They usually end up in one of 3 heartbreaking places:

~Forced child labor

~Begging for food

~Sold for sex trafficking.

25 million. The number is staggering, and to be quite honest...completely overwhelming. As Author Katie Davis (missionary to Africa) wrote, "Sometimes, trying to change the world feels like you're emptying the ocean with an eye-dropper."

We can't change this whole world all at once. But for one child, we can TOTALLY change their world.

We are so excited to announce that Crown of Beauty is partnering with Angel House Orphan Rescue to build a home for orphans in India!

Rescuing royalty

That's right, we are building an orphanage. Who is we? You. Her. Us. Every girl who reads this magazine.

We've been talking about being world changers for quite some time now...

Isn't it time for us to stand up in our God-given calling as His Princesses, and rescue His royal children?!

With this project, you have the opportunity to touch the lives of 12 precious gems on the other side of the ocean, these abandoned children who desperately need our help. Tonight, there are 12 children fighting for their lives in the streets, without parents, or even a comfy pillow to rest their little heads on.

I don't know about you, but I am not okay with that.

So, I'm going to do something about it.

and heres what you can do!