7. Christ Centered Girls: Why did you choose to leave and pursue Christian music?
D.O.P: I saw an ugly side to everything I had once so passionately loved, with all the violence that was around me I think it would've only been a matter of time before something bad would of happened. I never went out looking for trouble but it always seemed to find me, and during that time I had just become a father for the first time so I didn't want to take any chances.
8. Christ Centered Girls: How did you come to know the Lord?
D.O.P: I remember the day so clearly, I was so broke, I was tired, tired of everything. My friend came over and we were hanging out in front of my house, I told him, "bro, I’m so tired of living like this, I need God in my life so bad, I want to be done with everything", he looked at me and said, “do you mind if I pray for you"? I said sure, so he started to pray for me and I immediately started to cry like never before, instantly I felt this peace come over me that I have never felt in my life, I knew that day that I had been saved, I had submitted myself fully to the LORD, the crazy thing about it, is that the friend that prayed for me was even more broken and lost then I was, thus proving that God can and will use anybody he chooses to do his work.
9. Christ Centered Girls: If you weren’t a rapper what else would you be doing?
D.O.P: Surfing, I absolutely love the ocean. I've been going to Maui for the past 9 years and I’m so in love with it, it’s literally on my mind every day.
10. Christ Centered Girls: where do you see you and your career in 5 years?
D.O.P: Music will never be my career, it’s a gift from God and a way for me to communicate with others to let them know that God is real whether they feel him or not. I’m at the point in my life where things that used to be important to me just don’t mean what they used to. I will always love music but as far as a career in 5 years all the work that I’ll be doing with music will most likely be behind the scenes such as production and engineering, who knows, maybe Maui will have a new resident as well lol.
D.O.P is out making music and moving the world! If you want to know more about him check him out here!