Good question! Crushes can be complicated. For teenagers these days there is already so much pressure to fit in, look the part, be accepted and be found attractive. Add crushes to the mix and it can all feel a little overwhelming. God has given us these natural spurs of desires when around the opposite sex for a reason (a good reason) and it’s in our very blood to want to act on these impulses. There are always going to be people on this planet we are attracted to and desire knowing better. Before you debate over whether you should or should not act on a certain crush, talk to God first. Lay bare all the feelings and emotions you have on your heart to Him.
You sweet one are still young and that is awesome. While there is nothing wrong with love at 15, God knows you still have lots more room for growth in the area of love and relationships, and that’s okay. In fact it’s important. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself in regards to dating. If you feel deep down inside you’re not ready to date then there is a strong chance God is not ready for you to date either, and He is most likely protecting you and your precious heart throughout this particular process. He has beautiful timing remember!!! (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Lastly, I think our generation places a huge and unnecessary emphasis on love and relationships in relation to the fact that if we don’t act now or take that chance it’s all over red rover and we have missed out completely on the one made for us. And this isn’t the case at all. God has so many good things planned for your life and your future Juanita (Jeremiah 29:11) and when He is ready for you to love fully and be loved fully in return than I believe you will feel His green light of approval to wholeheartedly act on those feelings. Just remember, being 15 is an amazing age to first discover who you are and to work on becoming the very woman God has dreamed you up to be! There is plenty of time for love later on.
-Hannah a CCG writer
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