Chosen Generation Chronicle
Page 6
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We look forward to this event and participation from each church will make this a great success. Thank you
and God Bless…
National Primitive Baptist Convention Scholarship Info
Women’s Congress: Patton-Raye – Midnight July 12
(1) The applicant must be affiliated with a Primitive Baptist Church which contributes $100.00 or more for
three consecutive years to the C. E. Patton-E. C. Raye Scholarship Fund.
(2) The applicant is a high school graduate entering or presently enrolled in a college or university with at
least a 2.0 Grade Point Average (GPA). Applicant is eligible to receive funds only once.
(3) The applicant must complete and submit the attached recommendations:
a. One from the church with which the applicant is affiliated.
b. One from either the principal, counselor or teacher from the high school from
which graduated.
c. One from a citizen of the community in which the applicant resides.
(4) The applicant must submit a final and dated official transcript of their high school with the date of
graduation and GPA or college first semester transcript. Your transcript must have an official seal or high
school’s name stamped and dated.
(5) The applicant must submit their application on the official scholarship form, which may be obtained
from their area representative, along with all data stipulated (recommendations and transcript). Please
enclose a recent photo for the Clarion.
(6) Each church can submit a maximum of one (1) scholarship each year. If more than one applicant with
the necessary requirements are sent, all applications will be returned by certified mail for your church to
decide on one applicant and return or before the July 15 deadline.
Church School Congress: Robert Herman Frazier Church School Schloarship – July 31
1. Applicant faithful church and church school member.
2. Have a 2.5 grade point average in grades 9-12 (support by transcript)
3. Accepted to an accredited school of higher learning (Supported by a Letter of Acceptance from the
4. The submitting church must have supported the National Primitive Baptists Church School Congress
Robert Herman Frazier Loving Cup for a period of three (3) consecutive years with a contribution of not
less than $100.00 per year.