Chosen Generation Chronicle
Page 5
Youth Congress Reminders
As we render to Ceasar what is Caesar’s this tax season, If you are so fortunate to receive a tax
refund….PLEASE remember the Youth Congress as you plan how to spend it. Setting aside $100 will greatly
help & support our Congress.
$100 covers the following essentials:
$25 - Registration (age 15 & up)
$75 – Youth Congress Luncheon
ALSO please let’s not forget our essay & oratorical contest. The Timothy Miles Essay & Oratorical Contest is
annual highlight of the Youth Congress. This year’s theme is:
Why Not God? Romans 8:31
You have 4 months remaining to write an essay to participate in this event in honor of one of our very own.
June Dedicated to the NPBYC
In effort to rejuvenate and revitalize the National Primitive Baptist Youth Congress, the month of June has
been adopted as the time we dedicate to the Youth of this great convention and ask that our churches join
in on this national effort to highlight, honor, & praise the youth of OUR church. Realizing that this is also
during graduation season for some and many churches may already have graduation recognition programs
in place. We encourage you to include them as part of this effort as we ask churches to recognize
achievements in the area of academics, sports, church participation, community involvement, etc. for the
previous 12 months.
We are also endeavoring to construct a service project that we as a Youth Congress can participate in
nationwide. Information regarding the service project should be distributed within the next couple of
weeks and we are asking as many people to participate as possible. During this celebration, please feel free
to send us any media showing our youth in action. We will feature pictures, videos, media articles in our
next newsletter, social media (Facebook & Instagram), and NPBC communication mediums such as the
NPBC website & magazine, The Clarion.
Without you we CANNOT and WILL NOT be a success, so we are asking that you connect with us on the
following social media to receive important information regarding the National Primitive Baptist Youth
P.b. Natlyouthcongress