Choices Fall 2014, Issue No. 1 | Page 8

CMC MAGAZINE THE HILL eniors have worked hard their whole lives building our communities and raising families. They deserve the best health care we can provide. That means choices for high quality health care and flexibility so that seniors have the resources they need to be healthy. And as a doctor, I know that Medicare Advantage is a proven model that works. By focusing on care coordination and increasing preventive, primary care the program is effective at helping seniors manage chronic conditions. That’s why millions of seniors across the country choose Medicare Advantage. Seniors are overwhelmingly happy with their Medicare Advantage plans, and I hear regularly from the nearly 100,000 beneficiaries in my district who want to keep their benefits unchanged. Medicare Advantage plans keep their out-of-pocket costs low and have innovative programs that keep seniors moving and help them manage their care and medications. The bottom line is that Medicare Advantage is an example of a program that works. For this reason, I am committed to continuing to stand up for the more than 2 million seniors in California who choose Medicare Advantage. Because so many seniors rely on Medicare Advantage, I have worked with my colleagues in Washington to protect the Medicare Advantage program. Protecting seniors is something we should all be able to agree on. When Washington proposed cuts to Medicare Advantage this February, I took a stand with a bipartisan