Choices Fall 2014, Issue No. 1 | Page 5

CMC MAGAZINE THE HILL s our nation continues to undergo a major transition in our health care system, seniors on fixed incomes should be able to keep the coverage on which they depend. The Medicare program gives health security to those hands that built this country, and Medicare Advantage offers additional flexibility and real choice for highquality coordinated care -- keeping seniors healthy instead of just treating ailments. With a focus on innovative services, prevention, disease management, and quality outcomes, successful Medicare Advantage plans deliver choice while containing costs. I have the privilege to represent over 160,000 seniors, with one third of them choosing a Medicare Advantage plan. Recently, I spoke with some of these seniors when I participated in a roundtable discussion in my District with the Coalition for Medicare Choices. These seniors shared how much they value being able to choose the plan that is right for them and also expressed concern about the harm that cuts to Medicare Advantage could cause. I share this concern too. In fact, that is why I was proud to stand with colleagues from both sides of the aisle to protect seniors in Medicare Advantage from proposed cuts released earlier this year. I heard from constituents who were concerned that slashing Medicare Advantage too much too soon would mean real benefit cuts, smaller networks, cuts to add-on benefits, and higher outof-pocket costs. I argued on the House Floor that these shortsighted cuts would actually drive up costs in the end by steering seniors - even those with multiple chronic conditions - away from coordinated care and back to traditional Medicare fee-for-service. Thankfully, the administration reversed course on the excessive cuts this time, but I will remain vigilant should these proposed cuts be put back on the table. I remain committed to ݽɭ