How did the company begin and how did it get it’s name?
The company started 17 years ago in Brighton, born of a drunken night out, based on the desire to eat copious quantities of chocolate after consuming a bottle of gin with my co- director Christine Garratt. The reason we got drunk was we found ourselves in possession of a shop we didn't want. A very long story, to be shared when we are all drunk. It only makes sense then.
The name Choccywoccydoodah was also found at the bottom of the same bottle of gin. We also decided if chocolate didn't work, we would sell diet stuff and call ourselves Chubbywubbydoodah. We still might. Reap what you sow! There was no business plan then, there is no business plan now. The gurus of business we are not.
How far has the company come since you started?
What we are is ambitious, hard working and obsessive. I believe proper earned success can only come about with complete 24 hour a day, 7 days a week obsession. And that is not for everyone.
I employ artists and designers, the studio is full of creativity. Creative people just are, it's a curse as well as a gift. If we didn't work in chocolate we would still be doing this, maybe using dustbin lids instead.
What I am most proud of is our team. Carefully chosen, all a little off centre, some so far off centre we have to tie them to the edge. There are about 40 of us now, all working together, enjoying what we do, making chocolate, creating cakes, selling chocolate, selling cakes and of course, we all eat chocolate and cake.
Are you happy with the location of your shop?
Brighton is also our blessing, as well as our hometown. I often think that Brighton is a little planet, that lives in a balloon, on a long, long, piece of string, anchored precariously by drawing pin to the English coast.
One day, the drawing pin will loosen and we will find ourselves adrift over the Himalayas, or in the hand of someone in the Brazilian jungle. And all of us, all Brightonians, will just like it. Because we will still be our own planet, in our own balloon.
Sweet, sweet harmony TO
An interview with Christine Taylor, owner of Choccywoccydoodah.