Q ~ What piece of art would you most like to own?
I have seen a piece of art in Florence but was the size of my entire wall.
It was a 17th century piece which really blew me away. Also my friend
Tadeusz Biernot in Toronto is a phenomenal artist one day I can afford his
Q ~ What is your must-have item for fall?
I found this Hugo Boss coat last winter which is the most flattering piece
I have ever worn.
Q ~ If you were to pick a place to live on the planet, where would it be?
Côte d’Azur is really growing on me; Monte Carlo is perfect.
Paris is a good plan B.
Q ~ Do you remember the first time seeing someone on the street
wearing your designs?
Quite the thrill. The first thing I wanted to do was to run up to them and
say hello but decided to appreciate from a distance.
Q ~ What are your favorite fabrics to work with and why?
I love texture with a bit of shine. Bit of stretch always comes in handy too.
For AW13 I was fortunate to design and weave my own fabric.