Andre w
We all want to know the day to day routine
and thoughts of a fashion designer.
This time, I am introducing you to
Andrew Majtenyi, a Canadian designer who is
now based in London, England. I personally
love the fact that Andrew gets his inspiration
from fabrics, textures and colours.
Discover what you love about Andrew s
designs and tweet us @chloe_magazine.
Q ~ How would you describe your personal style?
Jeckle & Hyde in a sort of way. During the day I’m running around sporty
casual but in the evening its slightly tailored. I love fancy shirts and shoes.
Q ~ What is your most cherished design to date?
In school I made a ‘yum yum’ dress knitting in forks and spoons. Also
a 19th century inspired double front fold jacket with the most amazing
textured fabric I sourced from Prato in Italy. Not sure which one I cherish
Q ~ What was the biggest inspiration for your recent collection?
For Autumn/Winter 13 it was the geometric idealism of the historic
labyrinth, realized by the work of Japanese artist Motoi Yamamoto.
Q ~ What is your favorite time of day? Why?
My day usually begins around 8:30am and ends around 11pm. Early
afternoons seem the best as I have accomplished a few things already but
not in a rush to finish.
Q ~ What does your daily routine look like?
Usually office work in the morning than running around to my sewers in
North London and a good late afternoon workout to follow. A few more
hours of catch -up time to follow. Most events or social time occur between
7-9pm. During design time I’m more focused on research and sampling.