I was amazed, that was a lot of profit.“Does making money matter to you?”,I probed.“Yes”, He answered. “I want to have Financial Freedom, I want to be stable financially. I want to do what I want in the future, live the life I want to live. I also have a desire to help people. I wish to become successful so I can give back. Currently, I’m helping people through my online course called The Truth Success Series. It’s been established for almost a year and I’ve helped over 50 people achieve their goals”, “The Truth” finished. I questioned, “What was your big break?”.
“The Truth” responded,” When I was nine years old my mom decided to take me to a motivational seminar. At first, I was reluctant to go but throughout the day I felt so inspired. I realized I wanted to become a motivational speaker. I heard Les Brown speak and I automatically started to look up to him. I joined his institute immediately. Les Brown was having a competition, we would interview on the phone with him and the best speaker would perform on-stage with him. I won and became one of the six people to speak alongside him. That was my big moment. It felt awesome to speak with someone who I looked up too”.
“Wow”, I said. “How did that moment get you to where you are today?”, I asked. “That moment taught me that no dream is too big. It also taught me to believe in myself. I had seen a video of a 14-year-old that made over 50 thousand dollars on the stock market. I became motivated to do the same. My mother took an online course about the stock market then she taught me. After much preparation we created our own online course called The Truth Success Series”, “The Truth” spoke.
“Have you been acknowledged for your hard work?”,I questioned.“Yeah, I’ve been nominated for the small business Black Enterprise award in 2018 and the 2017-2018 Black CEO Entrepreneur of the year award”, “The Truth,” said.“The Truth” is very knowledgeable so I asked him if there was any advice he would give his counterparts to which he replied “, You have to walk in your truth and you have to do what is true to you. Never lie to yourself because if you can’t be honest with yourself, who can you tell the truth to?”. After our conversation, it was obvious to me that “The Truth” was a prestigious young man with a bright future ahead of him; because of his hard work and dedication he will turn every dream he has into a reality.