CHIONE MAGAZINE "Issue 6" 2019's Winter | Page 4



student at The Bolles School, speaker, activist, and advocate for young girls and women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) in her free time. These are a few attributes about sixteen year old Taylor Richardson, future astronaut. Space camp, that’s where it all started, when I attended space camp I saw that there weren’t many attendees of color in attendance. I assumed the thousand dollar admission price might have been the reason for their absence.

Even at a young age I have always had a love for space and the stars. After getting a chance to attend space camp, I realized being an astronaut was a dream I wanted to reach. However, since my dream is something I won’t be able to acquire for quite a few years, I decided to bring awareness to the lack of diversity in the field, and other career paths in STEM.