China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 9

China Policy Journal Table 1. Development of the Water-Pollutant Discharge-Fee System in China Year Laws and Regulations Features 1978 Environment Protection Report The practice of Polluters Pays Principals in China 1979 Environmental Protection Conditional Law 1982 Temporary Regulation of Pollutant Discharge Fee Standard exceeding charge based on concentration & quantity Provide legal support for fee collection of water pollutant discharge 1984 Water Pollution Prevention Law First independent law in terms of water pollution control 1989 Environment Protection Law (adjusted) 1993 The Inform of Fee Collection on Wastewater Discharge 1996 Integrated Water Pollutant Discharge Standard 2003 Pollutant Discharge Fee Collection and Management Regulation Pollution charge method revise and pollutant spices enlarged Water-pollution reduction work was strengthened Enhance and normalize the wastewater fee collection work System reform 2003 Ocean Environment Protection Law System coverage area was enlarged from inland water to sea water 2014 The Adjustment of Pollutant Discharge Fee Collection with Related Issues & Pollutant Discharge Fee Usage Management Approach System adjustment according to actual need inal water-pollutant discharge-fee system did not reflect the principle that a homogenous amount of contaminants was charged equally: it only charged for the highest contaminant amount, which failed to meet the standard when the firm discharged more than one kind of pollutants in its wastewater. The fee per ton was formulated differently for each pollutant. The pollution-fee charge was defined only in the standard-exceeding amount, which in essence entailed that any pollutant discharge lying within the range of the national standard had been 6