China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 8

Water-Pollutant Discharge-Fee System in China important step. It was the first independent law defining water pollution from different perspectives and strengthening its strategic meaning and impact. Subsequently, the rules for water-fee collection were adjusted in the environment protection law in 1989 from simply charging for the total amount to a standard-exceeding charge based on pollutant quantity and concentration. Moreover, the standard was broadened by expanding the pollutant types. During the 1992 nationwide shift in economic structure, an increasing amount of enterprises contributed substantially not only to gross domestic product (GDP) growth, but also to environmental pollution. In 1993, the Inform of Fee Collection on Wastewater Discharge was adopted and the work on water-pollution reduction was strengthened under the pressure of water-quality deterioration. In 1996, the Integrated Water Pollutant Discharge Standard was approved to enhance and normalize the fee-collection work. In 2003, the pollutant discharge-fee system was systematically revised and the Pollutant Discharge Fee Collection and Management Regulation was promulgated together with the pollutant discharge-fee-standard calculation method as supporting documents. It was regarded as a comprehensive reform, clearly stating that the water-pollutant fee should be calculated and charged based on the equivalent of pollutant concentration and quantity in relation to the national pollutant standard. Furthermore, the areas covered by the system’s policy were enlarged from inland water bodies to sea and ocean areas through the approval of the Ocean Environment Protection Law in the same year. This revision and extension were marked as a breakthrough in the pollutant discharge-fee system. For the further promotion of structural change on economic development, the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) jointly promulgated the Adjustment of Pollutant Discharge Fee Collection with Related Issues and the Pollutant Discharge Fee Usage Management Approach in 2014. The water-pollutant discharge-fee standard was declared more stringent than ever on national level. These laws and regulations formed the legal framework for the water-pollutant discharge-fee system in China. With the deepening reform of the market-oriented economy, changes appeared within the system to meet the actual needs. The system’s evolution, as presented in Table 1, developed in accordance with social and industrial progress, which can be demonstrated by the change of the fee amount, as discussed in Section 3. 1.2. Framework of Water- Pollutant Discharge System 1.2.1. The Fee Standard The fee-collection standard was enforced in 1982, by which a water-pollutant discharge-fee was collected based on enterprises’ standard-exceeding concentration of pollutants. The orig- 5