China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 40

Assessing the Implementation of Local Emission Trading Schemes in China Brent t are collected from 2013 Week 25 when the first piloting ETS started to operate in Shenzhen. Available observations of LNG t only started from 1 st January 2014. Data are all collected till 30 th June 2017. The currency unit is all converted to US dollar ($) using OECD currency conversion rates. Further, we include the Shanghai Shenzhen 300 stock index data (31 st December 2014=1000, daily) to capture the relation between the macroeconomic level and the CEA price. The data was collected from CEIC database for the time period of 2013 Week 25–2017 Week 26 and converted to weekly data (Stock t , weekly) by averaging the daily stock index data. The macroeconomic level can affect the demand and supply of CEA through affecting the production activities and the associated CO 2 emissions. Thus, we expect that CEA prices increase when Stock t increases. We also add three dummy variables to test the structural changes of the regressions. They are Break2014, Break2015, and Break2016, respectively taking a value of 1 from 2014 Week 27, 2015 Week 27 and 2016 Week 27. So there are four sub-periods of the dataset, launching dates -June 2014 (1 st Period), July 2014–June 2015 (2 nd Period), July 2015–June 2016 (3 rd Period), and July 2016–June 2017 (4 th Period). The compliances of regulated enterprises in any local ETS follow a particular calendar. At the beginning of year T in each ETS pilot, the regulated enterprises receive their CEA allocations for year T. The regulated enterprises have to submit their emission reports to the regulator in March of year T or the end of February of year T, with dates varying over pilots, and then a third party will verify their reports. In April, the regulated enterprises should submit the verified emission Table 3. Test for Structural Breaks of lnPrice t ETS Full Sample Period From Launching Date To AR Lags 37 Break2014 Break2015 Break2016 (2014 Week 26) (2015 Week 26) (2016 Week 26) Chi Statistic Chi Statistic Chi Statistic BJ 28-Nov-2013 30-Jun-2017 3 4.275 16.827*** 19.453*** CQ 19-Jun-2014 30-Jun-2017 2 — 2.577 2.920 SH 26-Nov-2013 30-Jun-2017 2 2.237 10.251** 8.198** SZ 18-Jun-2013 30-Jun-2017 3 41.766*** 18.991*** 5.935 TJ 26-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 2 9.561** 2.541 24.578*** GD 16-Dec-2013 30-Jun-2017 3 9.699** 11.305** 3.419 HB 02-Apr-2014 30-Jun-2017 1 0.021 5.311* 5.175* Note: lnPrice t refers to the logarithmic form of CEA price. ***, ** and * denote significance at 1%, 5% and 10% levels. “BJ” is short for Beijing ETS, “CQ” for Chongqing ETS, “GD” for Guangdong ETS, “HB” for Hubei ETS, “SH” for Shanghai ETS, “SZ” for Shenzhen ETS, and “TJ” for Tianjin ETS. “—” denotes the statistics are not available due to the characteristics of the original data.