China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 39

China Policy Journal two sources are identical. This study collected the daily market data of the seven ETS pilots from their launching dates to 30 June 2017, considering that in the second half of year 2017, all ETS pilots were making adaptions since the country was going to establish the national ETS by the end of the year. The currency unit of all price data is changed from RMB to US dollar ($), using the currency conversion rates provided by OECD. In most local ETSs, the daily CEA data, either price or trading volume, are missing for many days, which impede the ability to do the analysis at the daily frequency. Similar to Fan and Todorova (2017), we used the weekly price data (Price t , $/ton CO 2 e) for analysis. For instance, given any week T, if the daily CEA price data is available for n days (n≤7) of the week, the weekly price data will be calculated by averaging the daily price data: Also, we generated the weekly trading volume data (Volume t , 1000 ton CO 2 e/week) by totaling the daily trading volume in the week. Given any week T, if the daily trading volume data is available for n days (n≤7) of the week, the weekly trading volume data will be calculated by Thus, in week T, we can think it as the Volume T amount of CEA was traded in the week at the Price T . Further, a time-series variable of price return is generated for each price variable for analysis using the equation ln(Price t /Price t−1 ). On energy markets, we collected data on the oil price, coal price, and natural gas price, in order to address the relations between energy prices and CEA prices. Coal consumption is one of the major sources of CO 2 emission in China, and the consumption of crude oil or natural gas is much less. We expect that the demand for CEA will increase due to substitution effect if the price of less carbon-intensive fuel (e.g. oil) increases, or if the price of more carbon-intensive fuel (e.g. coal) decreases. Given there is no coal price index for each pilot region, the coal price we use is the Bohai Rim 5500 kcal/kg stream coal spot price (Coal t , RMB/ton, weekly), which was also used by Fan and Todorova (2017). It is a most important benchmark domestic coal price index in China. It is based on the average price of 5500 kcal coal at Qinhuangdao, Tianjin, Caofeidian, Jingtang, Huanghua and Guotoujingtan ports. The data is published by Qinhuangdao Maritime Coal Market Co., Ltd and can be collected from the website www. We collected natural gas price data from CEIC database, which is monthly average spot price data (RMB/ton) of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) released by China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation. We converted the monthly data to a weekly price variable of LNG (LNG t , RMB/ ton, weekly) by assuming that different weeks during the same month have the same price. The oil price (Brent t , $/barrel, weekly) is the weekly Europe spot price of Brent crude oil and petroleum products, collected by the website of US Energy Information Administration. Chinese oil import dependence is larger than 60%, so we use the Brent crude oil price to reflect the influence of the international price shocks. Coal t and 36