China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 102

Subjective and Objective Air Quality in Urban China (0.145 mg/m 3 ). PM 10 is one of the most visible air pollutants that often lead to citizen complaints. Multilevel Model Estimations We report MLM regression results for both direct and interaction effects of our independent variables (see Table 2). In the first column, the null model with no predictors suggests that 16.39 percent (interclass correlation (ICC) = 0.712/ (0.712 + 3.633)) of total variances in air quality satisfaction could be attributable to Level 2 predictors. The explanatory power of Level 2 predictors is remarkably strong, particularly if we consider the small sample size (N=32) at Level 2 compared with large sample size at Level 1 (N=25,139) (Raudenbush and Bryk 2002). Actually, the impressive ICC, 0.1639, implies that residents nested in each sampled city have very similar perception on the air quality in the city. This finding implies that subjective air quality may significantly correlate with objective air quality. But, whether subjective and objective air quality are correlated need further investigated while controlling other variables. Although the variance at Level 2 (0.712) is statistically insignificant, it is substantially different from the standard error (0.179), suggesting it is essential to use MLM to estimate our models. In the rest columns of Table 2, we sequentially enter our key independent variables and moderating variables. The results show that Level 2 air pollutants do have statistically significant effects on subjective air quality. When SO 2 is used as air pollution measure in Model 2, its regression coefficient is negative and significant (β=−18.37, p<0.10) and statistically significant at the 0.10 level. In Model 5, NO 2 is used to gauge air pollution, and we find that its effect is negative albeit insignificant (β=−12.14, p>0.10). Both PM 10 in Model 8 and air grade in Model 11 have significantly negative effects on subjective air quality (β=−19.98, p<0.01; β=−0.73, p<0.01). In a nutshell, our results suggest that Hypothesis 1 is partially supported and objective air quality is one of the key antecedents of subjective air quality. We report the results on the moderating effects test in Table 2. Most of our interaction terms are statistically significant and consistent with our hypotheses, and therefore, Hypothesis 2 is partially supported. In Model 3, AQTI has insignificant effect on subjective air quality and its interaction term with objective air pollution (herein SO 2 ) also has little effect of substance (β=0.10, p>0.10). The insignificant effect of AQTI can be attributable to its substantial change over the short term after MEP mandated EPBs to release air quality information, which shrank cities’ disparities in transparency (IPE 2012). When we turn to Model 4 with PITI as our moderator, we find its interaction term with air pollution have significantly positive effect on subjective air quality (β=1.51, p<0.05). The moderating effect of environmental transparency on the relationship between NO 2 and subjective air quality was not supported by using 99