China Policy Journal Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2018 | Page 101

China Policy Journal statistically significant. In addition, we find that age, education, and income of respondents are significant antecedents of subjective correlation, while gender is not significant. We graphically plot the relationship between subjective and objective air quality measures in Figure 1. The distribution of sampled cities in the plot implies that objective air pollution is negatively related to subjective air quality. For instance, Haikou emitted least SO 2 among 32 sampled cities (0.007 mg/m 3 ), and its subjective perception was also highest (8.06 out of 10). In contrast, the midyear emission of SO 2 in Taiyuan was among the highest group (0.062 mg/m 3 ) and its subjective air quality was relatively low (5.02). There are also some outliers, however, owing to idiosyncratic geographical and socioeconomic characteristics. Coastal Qingdao had a slightly higher concentration of SO 2 (0.059) than inland Lanzhou (0.052), but Qingdao was top in subjective air quality (7.644) while Lanzhou is at the bottom (4.103), mostly because of Qingdao’ coastal advantage to quickly disperse air pollutants. Another potential explanation is that subjective air quality measures are influenced by multiple sources of air pollutants. Although Qingdao and Lanzhou were similar in the concentration of SO 2 and NO 2 , Qingdao’ PM 10 emission (0.092 mg/m 3 ) was much lower than Lanzhou Figure 1. The relationship between objective and subjective air quality measures 98