Children's & Family Ministries brochure 2017 - 2018 | Page 8

THE A-TO-Z FOR ST. JAMES’ FAMILIES 9:10 a.m. service: A family-friendly service of Holy Eucharist. Children and youth serve as acolytes, lay readers, prayer leaders, ushers, and chalice bearers; the children’s choirs sing. Acolytes: (3 grade+) carry crosses, torches, flags, and banners in the procession and assist the priests during the 9:10 a.m. service. rd Advent candle lighters: Each Sunday in Advent, a 3 rd Grader and his or her family light the candle on the Advent Wreath above the altar. Baptism Prep: Parents interested in having an infant or child baptized are invited to a series of gatherings for prayer, learning, and fellowship led by clergy and parents. Contact the Rev. Zack Thompson to learn more about baptism. Children’s & Family Ministries: The umbrella group for worship, programs, and events for families with children from birth through 6 th grade. Children’s Eucharist: A monthly 9:10 a.m. service. Primary Class students worship with their parents, the children’s choirs sing, a Church School class leads the Prayers of the People, and the children are invited up front at the homily. Coffee Hour: Donut holes & coffee in Sunderland Hall from 8:30 - 9:05 a.m. and coffee following the 9:10 and 11:15 a.m. services. Decalogue Leaders: (4 th graders) read the Ten Com- mandments in Lent at the 9:10 a.m. service. Family Fridays: Monthly events featuring bingo, mov- ies, Lego-building, Casino Night and pizza; begins with “Reaching Out to Our Neighbors” service projects. Lay Readers: (5 th grade+) read the lesson at the 9:10 a.m. service. Parents of Young Children: The umbrella group for worship, programs, and events for families with chil- dren ages 0-5, including Playgroups, the fall Pancake Breakfast, and fall and spring parties for parents. 8 Planitzer Nursery: Maintained for our youngest pa- rishioners (ages 0 - 2 yrs) and staffed by three wonder- ful women, Sundays, 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Pledging Members: Those who have indicated their financial commitment to the parish for the calen- dar year. When you commit a portion of your annual budget to St. James’ ministries, we know — and you know — that this is your church. To make a commit- ment, visit Prayer Leaders: (6 th grade+) lead the Prayers of the People at the 9:10 a.m. service. “Pray, Work, Give”: These principles order our life at church, the center of our praying, working, and giving for the spread of the Kingdom of God. Thursday Eucharist for Families: A monthly worship experience in the church complements weekly Thurs- day afternoon worship. Designed for ages 2 - 10 (and their families!) to help us learn how and why we do what we do on Sunday mornings. A perfect time for families to worship and learn together. Toddler-Primary Chapel Service: A brief Sunday service held in the Primary classroom. Children light candles, take up the offering, pray “Thank you, God for …”, hear a homily by one of the clergy, and ex- tinguish the candles. On the 4 th week, the service in- cludes communion. Toddler-Primary Offering: A collection is taken up each week in our Toddler-Primary Chapel. The ben- eficiary of the Offering is chosen each year by the chil- dren and teachers. Worship Cart: At the back of the church, packets for children’s use during the Sunday service contain cray- ons, a pencil, paper, and the Sunday Paper, an activity page for children based on the Gospel lesson of the day. A letter to the parents helps continue the day’s lesson through the week.