Chichester Yacht Club Magazine February 2020 | Page 3
A Big Thank You
I would like to thank everyone who donated to my charity last year. The monies have all been counted and I am
pleased to say that we collected just over £250, plus a large number of bags of pre-loved clothing.
You may remember that my chosen charity was StonePillow. StonePillow is a local charity looking after homeless peo-
ple and vulnerable adults. So with the colder winter nights, I thought this would be very appropriate. The charity is very
appreciative of our donations.
Club Loyalty Scheme
Hopefully by now you would have paid your subscription fees for this year. Remember if you are over 70 years of age
and have been a member of the Club continuously for the last twenty years then you are entitled to join our Loyalty
Scheme. This means you are could receive £50 on your card to spend at the Club. Also if your partner also satisfies the
criteria then could mean £100 back on your subscription.
If you believe you qualify, please contact the Office.
Are you interested into computers
I am pleased to announce that a local Computer Club has agreed to hold its regular club meetings at Chichester Yacht
Club. The Computer Club had looked at 7 different venues and our Club proved to satisfy all their criteria. The Club
held an inaugural meeting before Christmas and the member feedback was excellent, so the committee agreed to
have the Yacht Club as their meeting venue.
If you are interested in computer, or have a smartphone or table, and would like to learn more then there is an
opportunity to join the Computer Club – you do not have to be an expert to join.
For more information on joining and meeting dates visit their website at, or speak with myself.
Hope to see you at the Club soon
Happy sailing
Tony Mobbs