Chichester Yacht Club Magazine February 2020 | Page 14
Expert advice provided by Martin
Willard, RNLI Community Safety
Officer, Selsey
Towing or Being Towed
Have you thought about how you might be towed or
would tow somebody else? Many boats do not have
any central towing position on the bow or the stern and
trying to use offset cleats at either end would lead to
major handling problems. Anchor windlasses are not
designed to take this level of strain. The answer is to
carry a bridle, i.e. a V shaped rope unit that can attach to both starboard and port cleats and with a thimble (eye) in the
middle for attaching a tow rope.
When it is all going wrong is not the best time to be working
out how to arrange a bridle.
Basically you need to measure how long the arms of the V need
to be, so that the rope from either cleat to the eye does not
foul the hand rails or any other fixed items, bow and stern. Use
these lengths to make up a rope twice this length plus approx
12 inches (for the central knot) with 12 inch fixed loops in ei-
ther end. Then fix a stainless thimble in the middle with an al-
pine/butterfly knot.
Google will tell you how to splice the loops and to tie the but-
terfly knot. A bit of whipping cord should be added to hold the
thimble in place.
Hint: A brightly coloured whipping cord different from any other
rope ends will help identify it in the rope locker.
For our Nimbus 310c, I used 16mm 3 strand rope (for easy slicing)
and a 16 mm stainless thimble. You may be able to raid your local
chandlers bargain bin for rope but don’t be tempted to skimp on
You can buy these readymade to your dimensions and rope size
etc from suppliers like Jimmy Green, but where is the fun in that?
It’s a great way to spend a winter’s evening, preparing for the next
Then put it in the rope locker and hope you never need it.
Hint: The alpine / butterfly knot is worth learning in itself. It’s a
climbers' knot that allows you to put a loop in the middle of a rope
without access to the ends and which will take strain in any direc-