CHEST Foundation Donor Spotlight June 2017 | Page 2

The Lung Cancer Connection Panel, from left to right: Joie Chen, Atlantic LIVE, Moderator; John Howington, MD, FCCP, CHEST Foundation Past President, Chairman of Thoracic Surgery, Co-Director of the Thoracic Oncology Program, Saint Thomas Health; Jill Feldman, Lung Cancer Survivor; Chris Draft, Former NFL Linebacker, Founder and President of Chris Draft Family Foundation More than 150 people attended the summit, but the REACH was much greater: “THE AIR WE BREATHE” SUMMIT WITH THE ATLANTIC Margaret Low, President, AtlanticLIVE, welcomes attendees 770K 4.2M social impressions social media accounts 1,100 tweets to the #AtlanticAirSummit hashtag “Clean air is a basic human right,” Tonya Winders, President and CEO of the Allergy & Asthma Network stated at “The Air We Breathe: An Atlantic Summit.” The summit, which focused on discussing the quality of our air and the implications on our health, took place Thursday, April 20, at VenueSIX10 in Chicago. The CHEST Foundation collaborated with The Atlantic, Boehringer Ingelheim, and Dyson to host this event, which featured several panels of experts discussing topics ranging from lung cancer and asthma to the challenges architects and the city face with new buildings and proper ventilation. CHEST Foundation Patient Education materials were available at the event. To read more about the event, visit us at CHEST Foundation and Boehringer Ingelheim’s panel on “Distruption in Asthma Care” from left to right: Kristi Bruno, Director of Communications, Media, and Marketing, CHEST; Rudy Anderson, CAE, Associate Executive Director, CHEST Foundation; Jay Peters, MD, FCCP, Chief, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, Trustee, CHEST Foundation; Joel Africk, President and Chief Executive Officer, Respiratory Health Association WHY I GIVE... Dyson generously supported the event, and brought several of their air purifiers to display in the lounge. “The motivation to assist in the philanthropic aspect of any society is a personal decision. When I became involved with CHEST leadership, I realized that if you have a desire to advance a society, you can do it by volunteering your talents—or, if you don’t have any talent, like me, you can give a little bit of money. CHEST has been generous, and through the activities in which I have participated for CHEST, I’ve been able to donate my honoraria. It was natural to give those back so that we could perpetuate the opportunity for more efficient, active-learning environments for the patients and communities on which the foundation focuses. I’m making an investment in the future of CHEST, hoping that my gift now will mean more active learning support and opportunities in the future.” —Eric Edell, MD, FCCP • Member, CHEST Education Committee