About MACA
The Massachusetts Chess Association is an educational non-profit organization whose purpose is to promote chess in Massachusetts and represent the interest of chess players within the state to the governing body of chess in the United States , The United States Chess Federation ( USCF ).
As part of its role as a state organization , MACA has programs in place to support the existing chess community as well as promote chess among schools and the general public . Highlights of these programs are :
Providing at least four major tournaments each year :
Massachusetts Open ( State Championship ) Massachusetts Game / 60 Championship Greater Boston Open Harry Nelson Pillsbury Memorial
Running a scholastic program , which consists of a series of tournaments to determine the state ’ s scholastic champions as well as “ warm up ” tournaments throughout the year . Free boards and sets are provided to schools
and clubs through MACA ’ s Living Memorial Chess Fund ( LMCF ). Quarterly publication of the award winning Chess Horizons , a journal of regional , national and international chess news and features . Promotion and development of chess in correctional institutions through our Prison Chess program . We hope you will chose to join MACA and enjoy the benefits of membership while knowing that you are helping to promote chess throughout Massachusetts .
Before May 1st 2010 ( includes subscription to Chess Horizons ): Adult : $ 12.00 ; Life : $ 175.00 ; Life ( age 65 or older ): $ 100.00 ; Junior ( under age 18 ): $ 6.00 . Starting May 1st 2010 : Membership with Chess Horizons subscription : Adult : $ 20.00 ; Junior ( under age 18 ): $ 14.00 . Membership without Chess Horizons subscription : Adult : $ 12.00 ; Junior ( under age 18 ): $ 6.00 . Chess Horizons subscription without membership : $ 12.00 . Join MACA online at : http :// www . masschess . org / Joining / PayPal / PayPal _ Join . asp Make checks payable to MACA and mail to : Bob Messenger 4 Hamlett Dr . Apt . 12 , Nashua , NH 03062 ( 603 ) 891-2484 or treasurer @ masschess . org Dues are non-refundable