Chemistry topics 1.1.MAY.2014 | Page 13


We should take consciousness of what we have and what we are doing because we could waste our natural resources less and live a healthier life, we also have to change people’s mind and change the world little by little. IUPAC is in charge of naming compounds of hydrocarbons, and they name these compounds by some simple rules. First they see how many carbon atoms do the compound has, then they name their structure and how it is bonded. Then, they use prefixes for naming the compounds and how many they are. Hydrocarbons in our daily life are very important in our daily life because without them we could not make simple things like cook, move in cars, fly in airplanes, etc. we would be like in the Midwest in the past years. The benefits we have while using hydrocarbons are easy lives and happier but if we don’t use them well, we could even die because these products are really flammable and toxic for our health. We should use them well because if not, we could damage more our ozone layer or have a poor quality air (#1 worst air Monterrey), and even kill marine life while the oil drilling is in process. Petroleum is a naturally occurring liquid found in the Earth’s surface and is commonly refined to get different types of fuels. It is made of hydrocarbons of different molecular weights and other organic compounds and it is formed when large quantities of dead organisms are buried underneath sedimentary rock and exposed to heat and pressure. By oil drilling, usually seafloor, you get crude oil or petroleum, and this crude oil goes directly to the oil refineries. In a big container, the petroleum is heated to different temperatures and then you get different types of fuels like gasoline for the cars, kerosene for the airplanes to fly, gas for cooking in the kitchen, and even tar for the roads and streets. Petroleum is made from hydrocarbons, compounds made by hydrogen and carbon atoms, and depending on how many carbon atoms does a compound have and how its structured, it get its name. The common hydrocarbons are: alkanes( only single bonded), alkenes( at least 1 double bonded), alkynes( at least 1 triple bonded), cycloalkanes( alakanes connected in a circle like structure) , and aromatics( benzenes) . Isomerism is when two compounds have the same amount of carbons and in the common formula they are the same, but in the structure of the compound is different from another one .