Chemistry Newsletter 2019 | Page 21

The Hill lab members are excited about developing new cyclopropanation strategies to access complex molecules. Specifically, they have begun to access the core fragment of cerorubinic acid III. This com- plex molecule facilitates insect communication, and to our knowledge is the most complex known to do so. Interestingly, the core structure of this compound resembles that of a class of anticancer compounds discovered here in the research triangle, paclitaxel, so building these molecules could provide deriva- tives with unique anticancer activities. Consequent- ly, we are developing a new cyclopropanation strat- egy to do so which makes use of unconventional carbene precursors. Outreach and Service As a native of Kinston, NC, outreach and making an impact on the broader community has always been important to Professor Wilkerson-Hill. During his research experiences, he has also discovered that science is a subject with the power to address, if not drastically change, socioeconomic situations by the inherent virtues that this subject instills, curiosity, critical thinking, teamwork, et cetera. Consequently, Dr. Wilkerson-Hill’s future role as a research scientist is not only to produce great sci- ence that will have greater impacts on the global community, but to help produce great scientists who will do the same, while simultaneously foster- ing curiosity and a sincere appreciation for the sci- ences in the general public. To accomplish this, Professor Wilkerson-Hill has developed and participated in programs that pro- mote science and diversity on local and global lev- els such as Teach for Madagascar, self-designed - undergraduate, Berkeley Science Network, grad- uate, and the California Alliance, graduate, National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers, NOBCCHe, post-doctoral and, faculty member. These efforts have had a broader impact on underrepresented groups participating in the sciences. Staff Awardees Jill Fallin Extra Mile Award Laura Yurco Selected for the UNC ULEAD Program Laura Condie Extra Mile Award CHEM.UNC.EDU | CHEMISTRY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA | 21