Chelsea Police Department 2013 Annual Report | Page 9
Office Of The Chief
The executive head of the Department is Chief Brian Kyes. Chief
Kyes oversees all the organizational components and functions
through his command staff. Chief Kyes was appointed under the
provisions of Massachusetts General Law Chapter 41 Section 97A
and Article 1 section 7-5 of the Chelsea City Ordinance. The
responsibilities of the Police Chief includes; oversight of the daily
operations of the Department, preparation of Department budget
and submission to city officials, responsible for all Departmental
expenditures, disbursements and collected funds in accordance
with federal, state and local laws.
In 2013, The Chief of Police was responsible for ninety-six (96)
sworn police officers, ten (10) Civilian employees and a budget of
$9,036,206. Chief Kyes is a Connected COPS Awards Finalist for
2013 Top Cop Award.
Photo: In 2013, under the direction and leadership of
Chief Brian A. Kyes and Co-Managers Captain Thomas
Dunn, Captain David Batchelor, and Accreditation
Assistant Helen Ramirez, the Chelsea Police
Department were reaccredited.
Photo: Chief Brian Kyes with Massachusetts
Police Accreditation Commission Chairperson
Chief Mark Leahy of Northboro accepts State
Award in 2013.
Re-Accreditation: On September 12th,
2013 the Chelsea Police Department
received a State Accreditation Award from
the Massachusetts Police Accreditation
Commission at a ceremony held at the
Andover Country Club. The standards for
the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Program are based
upon national standards established by the Commission on
Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA).
The selected standards impact officer and public safety,
addressing high liability risk management issues, while
promoting operational efficiency. The standards refle