Chelsea Police Department 2013 Annual Report | Page 10

Internal Affairs The Internal Affairs Office reports directly to the Chief of Police. Historically, police departments have been an instrument to maintain law and order. To be fully effective, the police need to have and maintain public trust and confidence and have their cooperation. Trust and confidence can exist only if; the public recognizes that their police department uses its enforcement procedures with integrity and according to law. Employees of the Chelsea Police Department are held to the highest standards of professional conduct. Employees who do not adhere to the standards of conduct, either through deliberate action or negligence are subject to disciplinary action such as corrective training, counseling, or punitive action that shall be applied in a prompt and specific manner. As the Department’s Internal Affairs Investigator, Lt. Ed Conley is responsible for recording, registering and supervising the investigation of complaints against all employees. This investigator ensures that the integrity of the Department is maintained by conducting intensive and impartial investigations and reviews in an objective, fair and judicious manner. Lieutenant Ed Conley The objectives of the internal affairs investigation are: protection of the public, protection of the employee, correction of procedural problems and the removal of unfit personnel. In 2013, thirty-five (35) investigations were conducted by both Lt. Ed Conley and Lt. Ed Noseworthy. Lt. Conley was instrumental in the start up of the Chelsea Safe and Successful Youth Initiative Program and the Violence Intervention Team. This was a joint effort with Molly Baldwin and Dana Betts from Roca. “The relationship the Chelsea Police Department has created through this program is incalculable.” “As police officers, too often we find ourselves enforcing and punishing, instead of teaching and reforming” Photo: ROCA Supervisor with youths making a tremendous impact working to clean the streets as part of the ROCA model. Chelsea Police Department 2013 Annual Report 10