Oracle Card Reader, Energy Healer & Tutor
Mantra: I AM Location: Base of the spine Sense: Smell Colour: Red Crystal: Onyx or Ruby Years: 0-7 years old Spiritual: Grounding, manifesting Physical: Bones, Teeth, Kidneys, Bladder, Blood Number: One Day: Monday
when your ready allow your breath to release the tension in that area. Healing questions to ask after you do the warm up meditation, sit in a comfortable place and simply ask these questions to raise the energy. Don’t push for an answer, just ask and feed the energy of the question so that the shift and clearing can take place, it doesn’t need to be conscious or controlled just allow the question raise the vibration and hold the space for a shift to take place.
Root vegetables: carrots, potatoes, parsnips, radishes, beets, onions, garlic, YGo to the questions that most relate to the parts of the base chakra you etc. want help with. Protein-rich foods: eggs, meats, beans, YWhat will it take for my blood to tofu, soy products, peanut butter function in the most productive way possible, what can I do? Spices: horseradish, hot paprika, chives, cayenne, pepper YWhat will it take for me to feel more secure in my life? Roll this sound around while you allow YWhat does my bladder need to the sound to vibrate through your function better? being. The sound attunes you to the natural vibration of the base chakra YTo experience life in a more grounded way what will it take? How do you relate to the world around you, how do you see it? Take a deep breath, allow it to fill your lungs and relax into your body as you release the breath. Repeat this until you feel the tension in your body wash away and you are present in your body. When your body feels relaxed and you feel as though your mind has stopped wondering, allow your awareness to drift to any one area of your body feel it, breath it and then YWhat will it take for my life to manifest my wildest dreams? Enjoy this awareness and know that every message is a badge of empowerment.
I have always been intuitive and guided into all sorts of ‘lucky’ situations. I often find myself in the perfect place at the perfect time and all by ‘coincidence’. These coincidences I now see as sign posts in my life that I followed, they usually showed up as knowing’s or gut feelings (I now know that’s energy awareness). Through these things happening i believe it strengthened my awareness of energy. I have trained as a Rising Star, Access Consciousness Bars and Rahanni Practitioner. I teach natural Healing and Prema Birthing (a rebirth technique) classes. The classes I run take a natural form but always include important practical steps. Each participant not only learns about healing others but learns about who they are as a person. My angle is that s elf-awareness is the key to wellness and so everything I approach from one on one session’s to classes bares this in mind. Sessions can be done in person or distantly either way the benefits are as effective. Children also benefit from sessions as children now are so aware of energy the benefits are often surprisingly strong. All information can be found on: www.sile v?6??6???( ?F???6R?W"6???V7F???v?F?F?R&?G??2F?&V6??R7?&?GV?????V?W72?v?F??WB??6??"vRf??B???W76??&GFW&VB'?F?Rv??G2?BvfW2?b?fR?( ???FV?VF?F???wwr?6?VV???vV?6?v???R?vV'2?6????TŒ?TuU5@??3 ??