hereditary intuitive psychic
am often asked if I really do see Angels, do I really believe in them; my answer is always yes of course. I do see them and I do believe in them. They have shown me so many times that they are near me and around me, reassuring me in times of trouble; helping me during times when I have felt unsafe; leaving signs when I have asked for myself and others. I am a hereditary intuitive Psychic, I come from a long line of Psychics and Mediums; ‘seeing’ that which many humans couldn’t, so seeing Angels came naturally to me. I started seeing Angels, gosh, probably around 20 years ago – long before Angels became ‘fashionable’ so to speak. I was going through a very difficult time; actually I was wondering whether to end my marriage. I felt desperate, it’s not an easy decision to make at the best of times, and I had three children to consider. Then I became aware of angelic presences with me. I just ‘knew’ the presences were angelic – the energy felt so different. Gentle, soft yet at the same time strong, yet comforting. It was a lovely feeling of unconditional love wrapped up with safety and the deep knowing that I was being watched over and protected. When thing felt particularly bad, I would call on Archangel Michael, ask him to stand behind me and wrap his wings around me. It felt as though I was being held in a wonderful embrace, cuddled and it always helped me to feel better. As I mentioned earlier, this was way before Angels became fashionable, so I didn’t speak of my experiences to anyone for fear of ridicule. One day I went for a palm reading (yes, even I go for readings!) and during the reading the woman exclaimed that she was seeing something she’d never seen before. She could see a huge Angel standing behind me with its wings wrapped around me. I couldn’t help smiling, as this was confirmation! I then explained what I had been doing and experiencing and I will never forget the look of surprise on her face! Well dear reader, I did file for divorce. It was long, difficult, and a trial; but I did get it in the end. All the way through, I kept my angels with me, they helped and supported me and I knew I would survive. It wasn’t many years after that that Angels began to be featured in the mainstream spiritual magazines that we can find in the supermarkets and newsagents.
And it was around this time that I also ‘found’ a healing modality known as ‘Integrated Energy Therapy’ (IET) or healing with the energy of the Angels. I had survived many difficult and testing times yet again, my emotional, physical and mental health was at an all-time low, when I visited a local psychic fayre and felt very drawn to have a reading with a lovely