Cheeky Angels - Edition 4 July 2013 | Page 25

hen communicating with Spirit and your Angel's it's important to keep your soul's independence. You might ask; what exactly does that mean? Well it means that Spirit and the Angels are here to guide us and not tell us what to think or how to feel or what to do. There is an exercise that you can do when you are seeking guidance from Spirit or your Angels and you are still unsure what you should do. The exercise is to center yourself by taking a couple deep breaths and repeating the following to yourself “ " repeat that four to six times or how many times needed to center yourself.   Once you are centered and your mind is still, I want you to think of the way you feel when you are being hugged by a person you love dearly. Now I want you to think of how you feel when you are engaging in an activity that you don't like. Now I want you to repeat the process until you have good handle on how each activity makes you feel. W make you feel. If you follow the guidance of spirit or the angels, do you get that loving sense that you feel when you are being hugged? If you follow the guidance of your ego, do you get that same feeling or emotion when you are engaging in something you dislike? Your soul holds all the answers you ever need in life, all you need to do is ask. Think of the decision / situation you are seeking guidance on and now think of how each outcome would JODI PESCA Throughout her life, Jodi Pesca has always had a passion for everything Spiritual especially Angels. Not long after enrolling in a class that taught about Angels and their presence in our lives she felt the need to teach children about Angels and Spirituality. A Spiritual Author and teacher, Jodi’s work is grounded in the belief that we all have Guardian Angels that protect and guide us. With Jodi’s passionate commitment to sharing her beliefs through books, personal readings and healings she hopes to teach children and adults about their Angels. or you can find her Facebook Page here. Holistic Therapist & Reiki Master JULY/AUGUST 25