has been nominated by Natasha Winsor and explains why she is such an inspiration. She is very focused and has incredible will power. She has always put her family before everyone else and has supported me 100 percent?in everything I have done. For example, my brother wanted to go to university in Australia (from Zimbabwe). My mum sold her car and has been workin g 7 days a week doing 2 jobs for the last few years. She was absolutely determined to raise the money he needed and she has done it as a single person on her own. She also managed to go to his graduation and visit me in England last year which was a huge expense from Zimbabwe but because it was important she made it happen. She also looks after an African family who live on her property. She helps to pay for their food and school fees, she buys them clothes, medicine, takes the children out to do things, she just does everything she can to give them a better life. There is still a bit of a race divide in Zimbabwe so she does get looks sometimes when she goes out but she really doesn't care because she cares about them and wants to help them to have a better life.
Do you know an Earth Angel? Let us know why they should be awarded the Cheeky Angels Earth Angel Award. [email protected]
www.cheekyangelsmagazine.webs.com JULY/AUGUST 24