Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 9

Everyone has the ability to be psychic . Many people have experienced an extrasensory event but few acknowledge this fact , often passing it off as being a trick of the mind or the result of an overactive imagination . It seems that once these events start to become more regular that some inquisitive people will choose to explore their psychic side and develop their budding talent through workshops or spiritual circles . However , ability will often differ from one person to the next ; some people purport to hear Spirit ( Clairaudience ), some feel Spirit ( Clairsentience ), and others may see Spirit ( Clairvoyance ), but imagine what a thrill it is to know the history of an inanimate object by simply holding it in your hand . This skill is Clairsentient in its very nature and widely known as psychometry .
In essence , there are three areas of psychometry ; object , person , or location . Object psychometry is by far , the most commonly practiced . An object can be read using one of three techniques : 1 ) The object is held in the palm of the hand 2 ) The object is held against the forehead and / or face 3 ) The object is placed against the solar plexus . These methods allow the psychometrist to sense the energy coming from said object . These specific parts of the body accommodate the Chakra centres that are most functional in sensory perception . Hans Holzer ( 1975 ) explored a theory that , “…
The most common way to practice psychometry is firstly to slow yourself down , as relaxation is the key to shifting your consciousness . When we achieve physical relaxation , we naturally relieve any emotional or mental tension and open up our higher state of self , which in turn will allow intuitive thought processes to flow . The easiest way to achieve a semi-meditative , relaxed state is through the correct use of deep breathing exercises . Breathing , although essential to life is an involuntary process that occurs without thought for the majority of people . When we start to think about the way that we breathe and as such begin to take control of the function , the body will automatically start to relax .
Breathing should be rhythmic and always originate from the diaphragm , using both the nose and the mouth . Inhale through the nostrils , as the small hairs in the nasal passages serve to filter out any dust or particles and for that reason , the individual is less likely to cough and disturb their relaxation . Exhalation should be through the mouth . The psychometrist needs to be in a quiet room with all distractions minimised . The person they intend to read for should accompany them to this room and bring the object for the reading with them . The reader should sit in a comfortable chair with their head well supported ; feet need to be flat on the floor , hands placed on the lap in a palmsup position and eyes closed . Start by inhaling a nasal breath over a 3-second period , hold it briefly then exhale slowly through the mouth for a full 6 seconds . Repeat this rhythmic breathing pattern and slowly the body will begin to relax . Once fully relaxed , the psychometry object is then placed into the reader ’ s hand . It is at this stage , when feeling the object enter the hand that the psychometrist should begin to visualise a candle with a flickering flame against a dark background . Once the image is clear in the mind , allow the inner self to extinguish the flame with a quick , singular blow . As the flame goes out , the first thoughts that come into the mind should be spoken aloud . These words will directly relate to the object in the readers hand . Initially the words / thoughts may be confusing but with practice and over time , the skill will become honed and the reader will be able to understand the order and meaning , which will allow for clarity of intuitive thought .
In the early stages of perfecting this psychic skill , it is important that the person presenting their psychometry object for a reading has knowledge of the history and ownership of the item ( for instance , grandma ’ s ring or granddad ’ s wristwatch ) and will be willing to discuss the information openly with the reader during the debrief period . This will allow the developing psychometrist to verify for their successful hits them self and therefore expand their confidence and experience . As the psychometrist becomes more proficient in their psychic ability , they will be able to move on to anonymous objects , thereby giving the owner information that they can take away and research .
For many people psychometry continues to be one of the easiest psychic talents to develop . Through the act of psychic touch , an individual can become consciously aware of the historical circumstances that relate to the object or about the people that have owned or handled the item . The psychometrist will form impressions about the object and these may manifest in a variety of forms , but all will occur through the physical contact that the reader makes with the object . The four most common forms of impression are image , auditory , emotional or physical . Some psychometrist ’ s use one or a combination of these impressions .
Mental imagery is self-explanatory , whereby the psychometrist will see pictures in their intuitive minds-eye and they will formulate their reading based on what they have seen . Auditory signals may come in the form of words and phrases or even random sounds , sometimes the reader will use their spirit guide to gather the information on their behalf . Emotional impressions are probably the easiest to receive as much of which is imprinted in or coated on the object will often relate to an emotionally charged time in the items history . The psychometrist will pick-up on the feelings either happy or sad , which will trigger intuitive thoughtprocesses to flow . Finally , physical impression occurs in a variety of ways . The reader may experience a change in temperature or tingling sensations . The object may vibrate , or the psychometrist may experience pain , nausea , or symptoms that directly relate to a medical or physical condition that the deceased , earlier owner had in life .
With all forms of psychism , development and practice are essential in order to become an effective psychometrist . This skill will enhance the use of the ‘ five senses ’ and retrain an individual to look at life and people from all levels of consciousness and not just from what is seen by the naked eye .
© Terri Setterington
Paranormal Investigator
I have written for pleasure for many years but have enjoyed being a paranormal investigator for much longer ( 30 + years ). Therefore , in 2009 it made sense for me to help a friend when he wanted to write ‘
’. This project so inspired me as a writer , therefore , since then I have been involved in many written exploits , albeit many of a fictional , contemporary nature . I also gained a postgraduate degree in Parapsychology in 2009 and despite seeing myself as a sceptic ; I have witnessed and experienced many paranormal phenomena , that until this day , I still cannot explain . My juices are flowing in the esoteric world and the idea of life after death fuels my ardour and keeps my farreaching interests honed . My interest in this genre is vast and I am not scared to die , as I believe there is whole other journey out there for us .
In the everyday world , I work as a Medical Nurse Practitioner who supports Doctors in the secondary , acute care environment . I diagnose my patients , prescribe for their needs , and run the cardiac arrest team . Life is therefore , never boring . I am married , mother to four grown up children and grandmother to seven … life does not allow me much slack . Oh , and I ride motorcycles … did I say ?
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