Spiritualist Medium & Aura Expert
As was the case with most , if not all early civilisations , there has been Spirit & God worship , which became part of its folklore & mythology , such as with the Egyptian , Roman & Mayan societies who made offerings or sacrifices to their gods ; or to the spirit of a place . Mankind believed in having the power to control the world around them , most societies ruled by the sword , the survival of the fittest , conquer or be conquered . Imagine then , the power of nature ; earthquakes which brought down the buildings around them , that made the very ground tremble , or of the erupting volcano , its lava flows destroying all in its path ; and the awesome power of the sea , as tidal waves washed away countl ess coastal commun ities . As mankind held no sway over this natural phenome non , he could not harness it , or command it . It must , therefore , be due to a stronger invisible power , supernatural beings , whose power was beyond anything mankind could possess . Obviously these supernatural beings had to be treated with respect , less their terrible wrath be wreaked upon mankind .
The belief in Spirits was to a large extent nurtured by individuals having psychic powers , who at times would have Clairvoyant or Clairaudient experiences , being able to see & hear Spirit , and was common to all ancient civilisations , being incorporated into their own folklore & mythology , as commented on by the Greek historian Herodotus ( c484 – 432 BC ). Great importance was attached to the visions and sayings of those with psychic powers , and they were consulted to ascertain not only future events , but also on the will of the Gods , as those with the “ ” were thought to have been inspired through the Gods themselves . Mankind believed in the existence of supernatural beings who commanded respect , and needed to be appeased , less mankind suffer their wrath . Ritual sacrifice took place in an attempt to communicate with their Gods , as well as honouring the many sacred places where these Spirits & Gods where deemed to reside . That people with a “ psychic powers ” is well documented , and were in turn were treated with awe and respect , as they were deemed as having the “ gift ” from the gods themsel ves .
Mankind believed in having the power to control the world around them , most societies ruled by the sword , the survival of the fittest , conquer or be conquered .
However , as we evolved humank ind became very invent ive , tools such as the plough , the water wheel , the wheel itself were invented , not only making everyday tasks easier , they became more productive , thus more control was gained over the environm ent around them , they cold to certain extent predict and control some aspects of nature , hence the art of science was born .
Ian is a full time Spiritualist Medium conducting public demonstrations around the country whereby he helps reunite family and friends passed to Spirit with love & laughter .
Working with colour for the past 15 years Ian has developed a unique style of Psychic art , bringing a representation of your Aura into a pictorial form through the use of soft pastels .
Teaching is a passion of Ian ’ s helping people to develop their own mediumistic abilities , running several small groups , and workshops on Trance , Mediumship for all levels , Psychic Art and colours of the Aura which employs the use of a special Aura camera .
Ian is the author of “ Teachings from William ” and is currently working on his next book to be titled “ I am me ”
For booking information :
Mobile : 07968135264 Web : www . aura-artz . co . uk
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