Leaving my house is always an ordeal as my dog suffers with anxiety and refuses to go into the back yard pulling away when he see ’ s you ushering that way and when you leave him inside he comes to the window and gives you his OH really your leaving me alone look . Pulling on every heart string I have as if like a violin .
As I left today and put him out the back I was thinking how each time we leave he doesn ’ t stay in the moment enjoying the sun , the birds and the adventure of our backyard . Instead he reverts back to a time when he was left alone for long periods of time and becomes seriously anxious .
Then it struck me that we all do that ; we don ’ t take in the glory every minute life is offering us , instead we judge it against the past events . If it reminds us of it we panic and act as if the worst is about to happen . Refusing to enjoy ANYTHING that reminds us of a past event . This means that we are literally creating a space to relive our negative past again and again and again all the time blaming the past event and not taking responsibility for the fact we are doing it to ourselves again and again .
Are you reliving a negative event , empowering the event and energising it more than you are the healing and blessings of the NOW
Oracle Card Reader , Energy Healer & Tutor
I have always been intuitive and guided into all sorts of ‘ lucky ’ situations . I often find myself in the perfect place at the perfect time and all by ‘ coincidence ’. These coincidences I now see as sign posts in my life that I followed , they usually showed up as knowing ’ s or gut feelings ( I now know that ’ s energy awareness ). Through these things happening i believe it strengthened my awareness of energy .
I have trained as a Rising Star , Access Consciousness Bars and Rahanni Practitioner . I teach natural Healing and Prema Birthing ( a rebirth technique ) classes . The classes I run take a natural form but always include important practical steps . Each participant not only learns about healing others but learns about who they are as a person .
My angle is that s elf-awareness is the key to wellness and so everything I approach from one on one session ’ s to classes bares this in mind . Sessions can be done in person or distantly either way the benefits are as effective . Children also benefit from sessions as children now are so aware of energy the benefits are often surprisingly strong .
All information can be found on : www . silewalsh . com
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 57