Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 56

Everyone has a different belief when it comes to their Spiritual Journey and it should be like that as everyone ’ s journey is different . What you believe in ( just like in any other religion ), is not necessarily what others believe . Some only believe in Angels and not Spirit Guides , or believe that an Angel is a Spirit Guide . Who are we to say that it is wrong ? We can ’ t … but I believe in Angels , Spirit Guides , Animal Spirit Guides and yes … the Elementals ( fairies at the bottom of my garden !).
Totem Animals ( Power Animals ) are part of many beliefs most notably Native American & Shaman ’ s . life and spiritual beliefs but more and more people are discovering their totem animals as part of their individual journeys away from Native American beliefs . These totem animals work in different ways , in my opinion , which is that they can describe your personality in a reading as well as calling upon them when you need help . They also appear when we need guidance .
Just the same as our Angels and Spirit Guides , Animal Guides are there to guide , protect , heal and educate you along your spiritual journey .
You are an intelligent person if you have a Gorilla as a totem animal !! Gorilla ’ s are highly intelligent and very quick learners .
It also means that an important teacher has just come into your life , or just about to . They will helping you with communication , spiritual development especially clairaudience and you will be learning more about yourself . Gorillas live in groups called troops and if you have a Gorilla as a totem animal , it demonstrates that you are a family person and love to have people around you all the time . You have very strong family bonds and it also shows that you protect your family and are a strong person both physically and mentally , although you don ’ t
Of course again , it ’ s all about symbology and people ’ s interpretations . We all interpret things different and we all feel differently about things so although I will be providing you information about a different Totem Animal each addition you can add to the interpretation yourself or dismiss it .. it is an aid to help you understand the different Totem Animals . If you have a different interpretation , we would love to hear from you !
Well , I am able to see people ’ s animals around them and provide information to that person about why they are there etc but you are able to do it exactly as you would do in calling your angels , or talking to your Spirit Guides . Some do this through meditation , others call upon them to help . Some of course do it through the aid of Oracle Cards or of course it might be that you have heard or seen more than usual about a particular animal and you take it as a sign that that particular animal is around you .
© Joanne Murray
like confrontation . Respect is very important to the gorilla . People may feel that you are difficult to approach but you are very much the opposite – very tender , caring and loving .
Gorillas have acute hearing and therefore indicates clairaudient abilities ( the ability to hear Spirits ) and you are a great listener and really hear what others are saying and respond accordingly . Gorillas also indicate that you do have to fight for what you believe in as well as your status amongst family and friends . You often find it difficult in a new group but once you work out the dynamics then you feel comfortable .
If you are feeling lonely , then call upon the Gorilla as it will help you find more social interaction .

Want to know what your Totem Animal is ? I will be giving away 5 Totem Reads in the next issue worth £ 10 each . Just email cheekyangelsmagazine .@ gmail . com be for a chance to be picked .

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