Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 54

A healthy , well-tuned brain generally equals a healthy , well-tuned individual . What we focus on expands and thoughts are things . Thoughts are vibrational Be-ing ’ s that fly out of our brain to create the experiences in our lives . If we are thinking good , positive thoughts and our brain is ' together ' and in tune , we will have a good , positive reality . The brain is the physical matter and the mind is our connection to the Divine . They are intrinsic when and if we choose to connect the dots . Since I healed and retuned my brain from seven major head injuries , I have accessed a gift of ' seeing ' and ' hearing ' the colours of a person ' s past . When I merge with a client in the quantum field , I get what I call ' impressions .' Once I see them , we begin clearing the old patterns and structures of trauma using gentle , loving , light filled sound . Often times , talking with a person for a few minutes , I can usually tell if they have suffered head injury / concussion . Nine times out of ten , they had forgotten that they seriously bumped their head as a child or adult and had no idea that the result of this blow was impacting their life . The good news is they can be re-tuned as long as they use the right tools . Go to www . brainstatetech . com for assistance if you have had trauma to your precious brain and or contact me for a tune up . to conditioning and or trauma , it can play out like a soap opera in everyday life . Many people get stuck , often times due to habit , seeing the world from a combo of the limbic and reptilian brain . The good news is there is a third level and that is Whole Mind . This is where we are meant to live , thrive , co-create and be the genius of our lives and body temple . Whole Mind processing is our natural birth right ! It is where and how we connect with Source energy directly . It is our intuition and our ability to receive input and information from a progressive and loving Universe . It is the piece of the magical pie . Whole Mind takes the lead , ahead of the reptilian and limbic experience . With practice and awareness , every one can live in Whole Mind . It takes time and practice to unite them all , creating new neural pathways and super highways in the brain . This is also where the gift of intelligence combined with healthy , balanced , sexual energy can be channelled to take our lives to new heights . Imagine if we all committed to living and thriving in our Whole Minds . We might have much less pain , drama and suffering , much of what we might see on TV . Einstein created his masterpieces from Whole Mind . What will you choose ? -Mahalia Michaels Author of Sensual YOU .
Author , Alchemist , Athlete , Dancer , Imaginator and Sound Mystic .
She has taught and performed in Salsa , Merengue , Swing and African Dance . Mahalia has been a professional guide and teacher in the eld of Whole-Body Wellness for 18 years .
She brings joy , passion and a wealth of personal experience to all of her contributions . She is the director of Lummunocity and creator of The Lummu Effect , Sensual YOU and ALLUMINA Dance Alchemy .
What does it mean to have a Whole Mind ? There are three simplified levels to the inner workings of the brain . The first level is the reptilian brain which is basic survival , primal sexuality and ancient biology . It is great and needed , however , if people remained living from the reptilian brain , we would remain in the dark ages . Like cave people , bonking each other on the head and causing unnecessary wars . The second level is the limbic system . This is the emotional area of the brain and if it is in hyper lock due
www . lummunocity . com www . thenakedalchemist . com www . alluminadancealchem y . com info @ lummunocity . com 250-863-7133
www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 54