Luna . She ’ s the original night duty nurse . She ’ s the original stereotypical female . She ’ s the one heavenly body that can drive humans to madness . She ’ s the original nurturing Goddess of our emotions and the guardian of our feelings , too . She ’ s the high galactic representative of the Feminine . Stone cold , she reflects ever moving energy and time and position in the 360 degrees of the Zodiac . Yet , we need her constant motion and nightly reassurance that the cycles of the Cosmos haven ’ t gone awry . She is to the Sun what Yin is to Yang . She changes her mind about every two to two and a half days , thank-you . Singer Billy Joel may have mentioning the Moon when he did “
”. One thing for sure , the Moon has a way of keeping our emotions and romantic notions in a constant flow .
Often , we tune into the Sun ’ s position in the Zodiac throughout the month . It ’ s a fairly common practice now to know if the Sun is in Aries or Virgo . We also know what sun sign we are and a few basic descriptors about ourselves and our egos . We are more clueless , though , on what or who guides our inner world . Sometimes our emotions are smooth and happy go lucky and other times deep , dark , and thunderous . We can coo over a new puppy or kitten or call down the Gods to punish someone or something that has crossed our sensibilities . Blame the emotional pendulum swings on the Moon and her ever changing reflections of energy . She rules our own personal sea of subjective reaction .
It ’ s beneficial to know your own moon energy that you were blessed with at your birth . It ’ s also beneficial to know what energy the Moon is amplifying each day . When you know this , it helps to explain why those around you are acting or reacting a certain way . It helps you to understand why something you rarely focus on has your attention . Can ’ t understand why your mate is loving one day and then cools off ? The Moon has a lot to do with that . Do you sometimes look forward to an event and when the day arrives , you don ’ t want to be bothered ? Most likely since the Moon has changed signs and positions , your emotional responses to the event aren ’ t the same . The elemental influence isn ’ t the same as it was before . She ’ s not in the same zodiac sign as she was two days before . No wonder she is called fickle , capricious , and inconsistent . Nothing stays the same !
As Luna wends her way through the month her pattern of elemental and zodical reflection is the same , though . Fire . Earth . Air . Water . Fire . Earth . Air . Water . Fire . Earth ... Each sign and element brings it ’ s own individual energetic flavour to the Moon . She only reflects it . An easy way to know what the emotional weather of a day is going to be is to know what sign and what element the Moon is currently in and what she will be highlighting . Here is a quick primer to follow .
These moon times always emphasize ambition , movement , spontaneous action , and friendly interaction . It ’ s a time to get things initiated . The ego loves fire moon times as the energies assist in putting us out there in front of the world . We feel warmer , friendlier , and more able to take charge . It ’ s a good time to set intentions and to get others on board for projects . These moons are noted more for their passionate yet somewhat divided romantic traits . Yeah , fire ruled moons get romance , they just don ’ t dwell on it totally because there ’ s so many other exciting things to do , too ! It ’ s best to just throw a little adoration around when the Moon is in a Fire sign . The “
” game works well here .
If you know your Twelve Universal Laws , you know that all things must come into balance . The law holds true to the Moon , too . After the combustable initiation of a Fire Moon the balance comes into play through an Earth ruled one . Earth Moon times tend to make our emotional responses more cautious and with an eye on the bottom line . Earth Moons can get the mood serious because they want to know if things will really work out and if security , especially financial security , will be a result . Critical assessment , steady movement , and restrained reactions are signatures of Earth Moons . Romance takes on a practical cast . Roses and kisses are fine , but will they really lead to something lasting ? Save the mushy stuff for the Water moons . A great kiss and a fat wallet works during this lunar time .
I first became interested in Astrology as a teen . It fascinated me that there was this ancient body of knowledge and belief system that had survived the ages . Even after I completed my University education and worked as an educator by profession I knew that one day I would be help and coaching others using Astrology . In the 1990 ’ s my own counseling astrologer said I was ready to learn the art of constructing and reading charts . It opened a fabulous new world for me . I ’ ve never looked back .
I ’ ve always been attracted to the various disciplines of metaphysics and have recently completed the Master ’ s Level of study from the Seasons in Avalon Witch School . I love working with stones , herbs , the elements , the Twelve Universal Laws , and other things to enrich my own life and those of my clients . My clients love the added information and take delight in knowing something that is a little different from their daily routines .
When working with a client , I give personal astrological advice and we often complete a session with an oracle card reading or a mini lesson on using herbs and spices to make incense or using crystals to enhance their awareness and interaction with the Universe . My goal is to create awareness and to teach others about their own path and how to best work within their own heart ’ s knowledge and desires .
I am the creator of the Facebook page , North of the Moon . Here I write daily notes on the Cosmic energy patterns . Since the moon is ever changing , I love to write about it and how her energies are affecting the day . With the rise in vibrations that many are experiencing I feel knowing about this feminine energy really helps to understand the underpinnings of the day . I go beyond the standard by delving into the daily psychology of the moon and planetary energies , transits and aspects .
Anyone interested in a fun and personalized session can contact me on my Facebook page or 45moons @ comcast . net