Cheeky Angels - Edition 3 May 2013 | Page 41

Ok , well you may see things being put on hold this month . You have had such a busy first half the year , June is the month that you are told to calm down ! You ’ ve run out of batteries and need to sleep - it ’ s a bit like Narnia and going through the wardrobe . While you are in a different world , as it is going to seem alien , you will battle some battles that you didn ’ t think were there and will make you stronger for it as well as making new friends in the process or networking will work for you . Enjoy your time off this month !
This month you will see you feeling like you are juggling all sorts and more than normal . Your emotions may get the better of you but try to not let that happen . Know this month that it is going to be of a roller coaster with you not really having a moments peace . It ’ s all in the planning this month - be prepared and have back up plans in place and it shouldn ’ t be as difficult as you imagine it could be !
Do you feel as if you need a bit of spring clean at the moment ? Well this month you will be and it might just be throwing out things in the house that no longer have a purpose or a negative energy attached to them , it may also be to do with friends that you realise are not actually there for you or of course it is just a spring clean of yourself and you have decided that for once you are not going to hold onto the past , or the negative energy you have built up and it is time for you to feel good about yourself !!!
This month it is all about home . It is your time for you to actually sit back and enjoy home life rather than running about here there and everywhere . You forget about the beauty of sitting at home with your feet up on the sofa , or sitting out in the garden and just enjoying spending time in the surroundings of what you have built up . You forget that you have built this up and have succeeded when you feel that you have not moved anywhere - look at how far you have moved forward . www . cheekyangelsmagazine . webs . com MAY / JUNE 2013 39