18 motHer's day
came from.
Contributing Writer
When I say ‘where we
came from,’ I mean
With Mother’s Day just
that we were born into
around the corner, and
this world unable to
the morning that was just feed ourselves, dress
had by this household, I ourselves or use toilets.
find it necessary to start
Somebody had the duty
acknowledging this holi- of training us to do each
day a little earlier than
one of these things.
normal this year.
So back to our mornLet me first tell you about ing… My first disclaimmy morning. What does er is that this is not
this have to do with
complaining. Count it
Mother’s Day exactly?
all joy, right? Right.
Sometimes we take for I absolutely enjoy my
granted all the respon- life as a stay at home
sibilities that a mother mom, and am very
has in raising children, grateful that I am able
and we have a tendency to spend this time with
to forget where we
my little ones.
By Katy Wise
FRIDAY, MAY 2, 2014
Thank You to
Moms Everywhere
However, there are times
that I just need to laugh
at the events of everyday
life as a mom so I invite
you to join me.
Our morning started
off relatively normal.
My husband got both
of the boys up and
brought them downstairs, dropping them
off in our bed.
Part of our morning
routine is snuggling
in bed while Daddy
gets ready for work.
Shortly after this, it all
went downhill.
Andrew, our ten-monthold is teething, learning
to stand, and fighting for
control of the spoon during mealtime. Joshua, our
three-year-old is potty
trained, but is currently
learning when he needs
to ask for help in the
bathroom and when he
needs to be independent.
Let’s just imagine that
all of these things took
a turn for the worst at
the same time.
Also, let’s pretend that
Mommy still didn’t
have time to shower
and thus was stuck in
her pajamas with rather
frightening bed-hair
for most of the morning, which included
a surprise visit from
Grampy while Joshua
was running around
with no pants and Andrew was climbing up
the sides of the playpen
screaming because I
had to stop feeding him
to address the current
status of our bathroom.
Joshua was running
around without pants
because he decided
he probably could
handle the mess in his
undies without telling
Mommy, since she was
busy feeding his cranky
Well this somehow led
to the toilet overflowing. How? I’m sure I
don’t know. All that I
know is that this whole
ordeal added an extra
load of laundry to the
four loads that already
needed to be folded.
This is precisely the
time that the doorbell
rang and I panicked. I
peeked into the hallway
and was immensely
relieved to see my dad.
He didn’t understand
anything that was
going on, and I didn’t
want to unload the
many crises that we
had just been through
on him.
He tried to help by pickContinued on PaGe 21
In our May 9 issue, we're asking for our
faithful readers to send us in a note to their
moms. It can be around 25 words and have
a photo too. When we print the issue, you
can show mom that you thought of her and
show her off around the county!
You can email your picture and writeup to
[email protected], or mail it
to Mother's Day Shout-out, Chautauqua
Star, 4867 W. Lake Rd., Dunkirk, NY 14048.
We must receive it before noon on May 7.