Actions and Tasks to Achieve Goals |
1 . People |
2 . Learning |
3 . Community |
4 . School Culture |
5 . Finance and |
1 . People |
1.1 . have high expectations in all aspects of school life
1.2 . offer gifted and talented programmes
1.3 . tightly monitor attendance 1.4 . operate a pastoral care system 1.5 . provide leadership opportunities 1.6 . provide a special needs 1.7 . unit to support ORS funded students
1.8 . provide careers guidance and workplace transition opportunities 1.9 . develop I . E . P ’ s for students as appropriate
2.1 constantly promote excellence in all areas of school life 2.2 promote life long learning for all 2.3 establish learning pathways
2.4 incorporate a toolkit of generic learning tools across the curriculum
2.5 make use of available data to inform learning
2.6 use research to guide appropriate pedagogy .
2.7 embrace technology as a learning tool
3.1 contribute to the local community
3.2 utilize community resources to enhance learning opportunities
3.3 establish relationships with community agencies
3.4 constructively engage with sister cities 3.5 establish educational 3.6 pipelines as members of a community of schools
3.7 engage with global communities through the use of technology communication .
4.1 celebrate success
4.2 provide extensive cocurricular programmes
4.3 operate a structured assembly programme
4.4 establish identifiable rewards / awards for achievement
4.5 recognize and support the potential and aspirations of all individuals irrespective of ability or ethnicity
4.6 acknowledge our bicultural heritage through a culturally responsive strategic plan
5.1 ensure accurate financial planning
5.2 provide timely reporting of financial data
5.3 aim to maintain good relationships with suppliers
5.4 ensure timely payment of creditors
5.5 ensure timely filing of annual accounts
5.6 ensure assets reflect the needs of the school
5.7 market the school through use of an annual marketing plan
6.1 operate a cyclical maintenance programme .
6.2 ensure facilities are clean and tidy and satisfies Health and Safety legislation
6.3 ensure the environment is attractive and user friendly .
6.4 ensure capital works programme is executed in accordance with