All people should respect themselves , and must demand to be treated with respect . Promotion of self-respect and respect for others will always be one of the central missions for our school , because it leads straight to resilience , one of the most vital qualities we all need , as we cope with the challenges of life .
• Responsibility We believe students all have a responsibility to make the most of the many opportunities provided during their schooling experience ; and through their behaviour to contribute to the school ’ s standing in the community ; and a responsibility to their community to contribute in a meaningful way .
• Endeavour We expect all members of our community to have high expectations of themselves and to be involved in a broad range of both curricular and co-curricular activities .
Our Character
We believe it is important for our school to :
• Promote academic excellence
• Provide opportunity , choice and balance
• Encourage inclusiveness
• Produce successful citizens
The glue which binds all of what we do together is the house system , the pastoral network and the professionalism of staff who share a real pride in the achievements of their students and their colleagues . With over 1000 students and
100 staff , we cannot claim that we are successful with everyone , but we would argue that a person would generally need to be fairly determined not to succeed , if they do not succeed here . The number of students who do not achieve is very small . Of those students who stay at school for 5 years , around 95 % achieve NCEA level two or better . We aim to finish at or near the top of any measure of school achievement though we recognize that these measures are often very subjective . We aim to perform at the highest levels of achievement in everything we do .