Charlotte MOVES Task Force Report December 2020 | Page 63


Charlotte Future 2040 Objective
1A | Increase access to fresh , healthy food opportunities
Measure Access to Grocery Stores within 1 / 2 mile of TMN
Charlotte Future 2040 Objective
5D | Increase the share of trips made without a car to broaden the connectivity and capacity of our transportation infrastructure
Measure Vehicle miles traveled ( VMT ) reduction resulting from transit implementation and transit-oriented development ( TOD )

+ 57 %

Increase in access to grocery stores

13 % -40 %

Potential VMT reduction with accompanying land use changes
FUTURE WITH TMN 89 % of existing grocery stores within TMN and current multimodal system
56 % of grocery stores are within current multimodal system
Range of potential reduction is influenced by the level of supportive land use changes
Measured using the Transit Cooperative Research Program ( TCRP ) Benefit Calculator developed for the FTA
WHAT | The Transformational Mobility Network 53