Charlotte MOVES Task Force Report December 2020 | Page 62


A Focus on Outcomes
The TMN was evaluated in order to assess the benefits it would provide to the City . The outcomes of that evaluation are highlighted in this section .

What did we measure ?

• Existing bicycle facilities
• Existing greenways
• Existing priority transit ( LYNX and highfrequency bus )
Current Multimodal Network


Transformational Mobility Network ( TMN )
• Existing bicycle facilities and future TMN bicycle facilities
• Existing greenways and future TMN greenways
• Existing priority transit ( LYNX and highfrequency bus ) and future TMN priority transit

How did we measure it ?

Spatial Analysis . GIS software was used to asses the current multimodal network and the TMN .
Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization ( CRTPO ) Travel Demand Model . Travel demand model data was used to assess future year conditions .
2050 Horizon Year . Assumed a horizon year of 2050 for evaluation of TMN and future growth .

What are the results ?

Results were organized around four themes based on feedback from the Charlotte MOVES Task Force and overlap with themes from the 2040 Comprehensive Plan :
Equity and Access to Opportunity
Regional Growth and Connectivity
52 WHAT | The Transformational Mobility Network