Regional Approach
While the Task Force recommendations focus on the City of Charlotte , Mecklenburg County , and towns , we recognize that our vision for mobility investment must incorporate the Greater Charlotte Region ( our surrounding counties and towns ).
Key regional efforts on mobility are already established or underway including ; CONNECT Beyond , the Charlotte Regional Transportation Planning Organization ( CRTPO ) 2050 Plan , and the Charlotte Area Transit System ( CATS ) 2030 Transit System Plan . The recommendations of the Task Force are intended to build momentum to establish regional ( Greater Charlotte Region ) partnerships for mobility investment and funding .
Alignment of Initiatives
We are envisioning our future at all levels with transformational plans underway shaping our growth , development , land use , transit , and recreational space . Mobility is a common thread throughout these efforts , and now is the time to align a shared vision .
The Task Force believes it is critical to ensure these plans are aligned through shared goals and strategies that support access to opportunity and education , affordable housing , and upward economic mobility .
Key on-going planning and mobility efforts include :
• Charlotte Future 2040 Comprehensive Plan
• CONNECT Beyond Regional Mobility Initiative
• CRTPO 2050 Plan
• Charlotte MOVES – Strategic Mobility Plan
• Meck Playbook – Park & Recreation Master Plan
Preface vii