Charlotte MOVES Task Force Report December 2020 | Page 8



We have defined a Transformational Mobility Network to meet our mobility needs and transform how Charlotte moves . There is a cost , but the cost of doing nothing is greater . We cannot stand still and expect to be a city and region that aspires to expand access to opportunity for all . In addition to the specific Task Force recommendations the process defined key considerations that we believe are important to the success of the Charlotte MOVES initiative .
Accountability and Communication
We recognize the scale of what we are recommending demands transparency and the outcomes must be meaningful and measurable for our community . Above all , our investment must serve to build a more equitable , affordable and sustainable city and region .
We must be accountable to the community and transparent on where , when , and what projects are prioritized and implemented , noting that the scale of some projects will require longer periods of project development , design , and construction .
An effective message and communication will be critical to success :
We know that achieving this vision will only come through the collective efforts of a broad set of partners working together . This begins with our State and extends to the towns and counties of our region , aligning common goals and resources to achieve shared success .
Mecklenburg County and its towns are key partners and the recommendations of the Task Force will require we commit not only to finding resources but to building strong on-going partnerships . Our approach to partnerships should also extend to our private corporate leaders , foundations and non-profits , and our extensive network of community and neighborhood organizations .
• Emphasize that the new funding is an investment , not just new taxes .
• Consider a Community Oversight Board to guide and measure progress .
• Keep the message simple and communicate the expected outcomes ( financial , social , economic mobility , environment , quality of life , etc .) associated with the implementation of the program to build and maintain community support .
• Demonstrate how there is something in this for everyone and make it relevant to the ENTIRE community ! vi Preface