Charlotte MOVES Task Force Report December 2020 | Page 25


Equity Atlas
( Charlotte Future 2040 Plan ) Examines Charlotte ’ s built environment and socio- economic characteristics through an equity lens , defining an “ Arc ” of vulnerable populations and communities of color .
https :// cltfuture2040 . com / resources /
State of Mobility
( Charlotte MOVES ) A foundational assessment of the conditions and trends that affect how Charlotte moves , documenting a snapshot of our current transportation and mobility reality .
https :// charlottenc . gov / Mayor / Charlotte _ Moves _ Task _ Force / Documents / Charlotte _ MOVES _ State _ of _ Mobility _ October _ 2020 . pdf
Charlotte is becoming increasingly older and more diverse , reshaping the very nature of who we are and what we need . We must re-balance our mobility choices to fit the changing needs of our future city .
We are the center of the region . How we invest shapes lives within , and beyond Charlotte ’ s borders . Our mobility and investment strategy must build and strengthen regional partnerships and define shared success .
We are envisioning our future at all levels with transformational plans underway shaping our growth , development , land use , transit , and recreational space . Mobility is a common thread throughout these efforts , and now is the time to align a shared vision .
Our space and resources are limited ; accommodating each need equally simply is not possible . We must face the difficult tradeoffs necessary to support under-invested modes of transportation ( e . g ., walking , biking , transit ) to help ensure safe and comfortable transportation choices .
WHY | A New Mobility Future 15