We are at a critical moment in Charlotte ’ s history with the potential to fundamentally change our mobility future . Charlotte ’ s mobility needs are both increasing and changing .
Doing nothing will have lasting impact on our economic competitiveness , quality of life , and upward mobility , especially for our most vulnerable communities . Our current level of mobility investment is unable to keep up with our changing needs and without a significantly increase , our needed transportation investment will be delayed by decades .
A commitment to a significant mobility investment program with a dedicated source of local funding will position Charlotte for the next decade of federal transit and infrastructure funding . Charlotte should be prepared to advantage of these conditions .
Key trends that will shape our response and investment in a new mobility future include :
Too many people die traveling on our streets ( 74 in 2017 ). A disproportionate number of those fatalities are pedestrians and bicyclists . We must make our streets safe for everyone , regardless of age and ability , or where , when , and how you travel .
Transportation accounts for 40 % of our greenhouse gas emissions . Our streets impact the tree canopy and the runoff in creeks . We must prioritize investments that expand sustainable mobility options and protect our environment and resources .
The way we travel , like no time before , is in a period of creative disruption and rapid transformation . We must accept , adapt , and anticipate new opportunities , technologies , and challenges .
Our health is tied to the way we move and our ability to access daily needs . We must provide healthier active mobility options and expand access to the needs ( food , recreational space , health care , etc .) that shape our health and happiness .
14 WHY | A New Mobility Future