If you have lived on this earth for long enough, you will have a collection of change experiences to draw from where you have successfully come out the other side. Give yourself an ‘ego-boost’ by witnessing that you’ve gone through challenging stuff before and you survived and even thrived. Try repeating phrases like: I’ve got this, I’ve been successful before and I can do it again, and I do change well.
Your identity is shifting and it is healthy and normal to have a sense of grief about what is being left behind (even if the change is desired like having a baby)
Below are five effective ways to avoid the “white knuckle” approach to change so that you can feel more ease and alignment as change happens…because it is going to happen!
Acknowledge and Accept What you are feeling
Look for Past Successes
Engage your entourage
Find the people who can hold the highest vision of you through changes in your life. They can serve as your sounding board, your cheering squad, your handy helper and your perspective keeper.
Go With the flow