Charbonneau Villager Newspaper June 2021 | Page 18


Emergency Preparedness Public Safety Committee


Be part of the emergency communications team

Communication is critical during an emergency in Charbonneau .
We all take communication with other people for granted , whether it be face-to-face , a Zoom call , telephone or most often our cell phones . During an emergency , communication tools are how we call for assistance . Unfortunately , during severe emergencies like our recent ice and wind storm or a strong earthquake , the internet , cell phones and landline phones are frequently not functioning . Fortunately , during the recent ice storm , there was limited use of cell phones and texting was generally available but internet service and landline phones provided by Comcast via the internet did not work since the batteries that power that network were eventually drained due to electrical power being out .
Charbonneau has implemented its own emergency preparedness radio communication network for use during emergencies when all other communication is out . Each of the 100-plus emergency preparedness captains is equipped with a two-way radio that allows them to communicate with other captains in their own homeowners association and also communicate with a CCC headquarters dispatcher . Each HOA is assigned a separate radio channel , although a few smaller HOAs share channels . A pair of base radios is installed at the CCC Clubhouse and each base radio has an antenna on the roof of the Clubhouse . ( Yes , we received permission from the CCC Architectural Review Board to install the rooftop antennas at the Clubhouse .) The HQ dispatcher coordinates requests for assistance between HOAs and also with first responders .
The Charbonneau radio network is exercised each year during the October ShakeOut drill and it has worked very well . Each captain has an opportunity to use their radio to communicate with other captains in their HOA and also with the CCC HQ dispatcher . Prior to each October ShakeOut drill , a radio
Jerry Baker holds a Motorola two-way radio that is used during emergency drills and real emergencies .
training clinic is offered in September for new captains and also as a refresher to captains who have already received training . As you probably know , Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue is in the process of implementing a new “ Charbonneau Station ,” which will officially be called Station 54 at the intersection of I-5 and Miley Road . Sandy Batte and Jerry Baker met with the new Station 54 chief in March and he agreed to have his team participate in Charbonneau ’ s 2021 ShakeOut drill . Communication links between the Charbonneau HQ and Station 54 are being discussed .
The Emergency Preparedness & Public Safety ( EPPS ) Committee is looking for one or two people to join the EPPS Committee to assist with communication network planning . We also want to increase the number of Charbonneau residents who are trained as HQ dispatchers . There are currently five people trained as dispatchers but during an extended emergency , the dispatchers would work in shifts so more is better . If you are interested in becoming an HOA captain , joining the EPPS Committee to assist with communication planning or to be trained as a dispatcher , please contact Sandy Batte at 503-936-0292 or Jerry Baker at 503-694-8211 . Absolutely no radio experience is necessary to fill these roles .
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Charbonneau Book Club


Dorothy Hochhalter resigns as facilitator

The Charbonneau Book Club met April 27 for the first time in almost a year . Ten members showed up for an enjoyable meeting to discuss the future of the book club .
Dorothy Hochhalter resigned as facilitator due to health reasons , and Carol McHugh took over the gavel .
Our next meeting will be held at 1 p . m . May 11 , in the CCC cardroom to talk about the books from last year , which we read but were not able to meet to discuss . During the following meeting on May 25 , we will discuss a new book : “ Madame Fourchade ’ s Secret War ” by Lynne Olson . The remainder of the year ’ s books will be decided at our May meeting .


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