Chapy Magazine 2019-2020 | Page 26

VOLLEYBALL ATHLETE OF THE YEAR “ Brooke was our go-to player this year as the team leaned on her both offensively and defensively. She became our primary attacking threat on second contact and on the outside to terminate balls. All around, she was a very versatile player that could fill any position when needed throughout the season.. ” CLINTON HEAD COACH MICAH CEWE Brooke Mulholland has been an impressive setter for the River Queens since she was an underclassman, but really showed her skill this year when she took on a utility role. She was a big reason the Queens made it to the regional final game for the second straight year, narrowly missing a state berth again. After two years as a varsity setter running a 5-1 rotation, Micah Cewe switched to a 6-2 rotation to try to get his offense sparked early on this season. That left Mulholland not only setting, but attacking and digging for the Queens.She embraced it. She ended up leading the Queens with 146 kills this year, learning to hone her skills in on her swing. She had 264 digs this season, second only to libero Rylie Mussman. She also had 28 aces. The setter is Kirkwood Community College bound, setting her up for a potentially huge college career. The Eagles are just coming back from an appearance at the national tournament, where they finished ninth. 26 CHAPYAwards | 2019-2020 BROOKE MULHOLLAND CLINTON HIGH SCHOOL | SENIOR